I decided to check email, blog, etc. this morning when I woke up at 2am and couldn't sleep (again). I love the little widget on my blog that tells me how far along I am and how many days are left in this pregnancy - It is so fun for me, since I never had that before. I was always doing the math, counting weeks, etc. I have my ultrasound appointment on December 30th and will post Boy or Girl then!
So, I know I haven't updated in a while. I will post photos, etc, soon, but Christmas has just kept me so busy! I decided to make Christmas Eve robes for my boys, and having never done any real sewing before (like with a pattern) it has taken me a while to decipher sewing jargon. I'm just so grateful to my sis-in-law who got me started - took me with her to the fabric store and said, "See, here's how you pick out fabric, then you take it to the nice lady who cuts it for you, and then you go check out and pay for the fabric. Yes, you'll need thread, here it is over here..." Thank you Chelsea for being so patient with me and my never-ending questions! Oh yeah, and did I mention she has a 1 month old BABY? She truly is amazing!
I'll put pics of my finished projects later.
I hope all is well and everyone is having a great Christmas season! If I don't post before Christmas, then Merry Christmas! We love you all!
Color Run
9 years ago
I can't wait to see the robes! Good for you for venturing such a fun thing. Theboys will love them!!
You're awesome...I don't know if I could attempt something like that (without my mom anyway)! The only things I've made by myself were things people didn't have to wear! (It's safer that way)! :) I'm excited to see how they turn out though! Are you going to be home the weekend before Christmas? Maybe we should get together on Saturday if you are! My kids would love that! I hope all is going well for you....I think about you all the time! I'd call more, but I keep going over my minutes so I could only talk on weekends or after 9:00! :) I have a Dr. appt. tomorrow morning so I'll let you know after that if and when we schedule to break my water....I'm hoping for the 22nd, but we'll see!
Take care & I'll talk to ya later!
YAY FOR HALF WAY!!! That is so exciting Rebecca! I have been hoping for an update on your blog so although I am sorry you woke and couldn't sleep at 2am ( I know how lame that is) I am glad you chose to use the time to blog!
What are your Christmas plans?? Your robes sound awesome. As usual, I admire your courage to try new things. You are amazing!
I can't wait to hear what you're having. I'm guessing boy. Are you hoping one over the other? Are your boys?
Have a great holiday! Merry Christmas!
Hey Rebecca, sounds like your feeling a little better. Sewing is easy once you get the hang of it, and sometimes it takes a while but when you are done its worth it. Im putting my vote in now and saying that you are having a GIRL! Well really I have no idea what you are having but I want you to have a girl! If not thats ok too, we already know you have handsome boys. Can you imagine having 3 more boys before having a girl like JoAnn? I thought I was going to have all boys but now it looks more like im going to have all girls haha. I hope you guys are doing good and have a merry christmas!!
p.s. I feel really good lately, besides the body aches and the belly I dont even feel pregnant.
Hey....I said we should get together on Saturday....but now it looks like I'll be a little busy that day! My doctor offered to start me then....more days to recover before Christmas....so how could I refuse? You can come visit me though! :) We'll keep ya posted!
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