Matthew had a surprise for all of us - a HUGE cavity that turned into a pulpotomy (a rootcanal on a baby tooth!) Good thing my dad is a wonderful dentist and saved us lots of money and time - again! At Christmas time, Matthew had 3 cavities and he cut his head above his eyebrow, which my dad stitched up perfectly. I swear, a plastic surgeon couldn't have done a better job. However, in between 2 back teeth was a cavity hiding, that surfaced this time, so back into the dental chair he went! Matthew being so brave - he didn't even cry!! He just watched Sponge Bob the whole time.
My sister, Brooke, assisting, and Tim encouraging Matthew.
Color Run
9 years ago
Your dad is a saint! He has been so good to me in the dental department since I've been married and poor. I love and appreciate him! Matthew is so brave! Good job little guy!
You don't know me. I'm an old friend of Jake's from High School. I've been trying to get back in touch with him and Cassondra. Could you just pass it on that Jennie Reay is trying to catch up with them and would love to see how their doing and see pictures of their girls. My name now is Jen Tucker, but Jake will hopefully remember who I am. My email address is
Thank you so much!
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