I think our last name should be "Hobo"or "Traveler" or "Wanderer" instead of Clarkson! We have lived in four different places and I am so done living out of suitcases!! We still have another month of it, however, until we move into new home on May 19th.
Tim's brother and his family have been so nice to let us live with them this last week. We were in a one bedroom apartment type hotel and had just had enough after 2 and a half weeks of it. Isaac was so funny, showing his dislike of the hotel by refusing to walk while we were living there! When ever we visited someone in their home, he would be cheerful and walk all around, but as soon as we got back to our hotel, he became whiny, and took up crawling again!
Here we are watching the Saturday Conference session in the kitchen/living room part of our hotel. Then there are two beds and a bathroom in the bedroom.
So, it wasn't that bad, but I just think babies and toddlers need space!
Here is Isaac now that he doesn't have "baby depression"!
Tim's brother and his wife have four boys, so living at their home is paradise for my kids! They just play all day and can't wait for their cousins to get home from school to play with them! My sister-in-law and I have been taking turns making dinner, so that has been really awesome - less cooking!
Their family is so much fun and we are so grateful that they are so generous and kind to us!
Color Run
9 years ago
What great walking, Isaac!! How cute! That is amazing how sensitive he was to being somewhere that didn't feel like home. Kids are so intuitive!!
I'm really happy you are able to be with family, now. It is hard not to have your own space but better when you can at least spend that awkward tim with family. One summer we were in between homes, too, and Diana and Aaron let us live with them for 2 weeks. They are so awesome! I remember loving being with them. What great family it takes to just open up their homes. We are both very blessed!
I loved your post about the minivan club. You are so cute! And SO right about having carseats that can't reach each other. That's huge! If, I'd thought of that bonus, it'd have been on my list!
As for Tim wanting to buy a motorcycle, we're selling a nice one so you are welcome to it! ;) And I'll tell you how I really feel: I have had peace about Jake riding a motorcycle. I also have peace about moving on from that right now and maybe having one again later, just for the track. My advice is this; don't buy one if you are going to live in worry and fear. And be honest with yourself. If it's nervewracking just to think about it, maybe it's not for you. That's okay. But if you can be peaceful about Tim as a wise, careful driver, and peace that the Lord can watch out for him, and peace that if something DOES happen while he's riding it, then it was a trial meant to be had and you'll all make it through it alright, then go ahead. Jake's ridden one to work for 4 years in Las Vegas traffic and been incident free. So you aren't doomed just because it's a motorcycle. Just make sure you can be at peace. Then enjoy!! They really are fun! (And the cheap gas is great too)
I love hearing from you! You are such a beautiful person and I'm so thankful you're my friend! i am really looking forward to seeing you soon!
Just to clarify, I don't think Tim is awkward... ;) I meant "time". hahaha
Cass, thank you so much! You are such a great friend! I'll have to have Tim call Jake about the motorcycle this week and have them talk.
We just tagged Andrew on our blog. Check it out for details. Can't wait to learn more about him.
WOW! He is walking so well! What a cutie. He is a great mix of both of you. I can't believe how fast Issac has grown! Sorry to hear about the trials of waiting for the house. You guys are troopers. We can't wait until you get into your new house. We will have to come over to visit!
Hey Rebecca!
I didn't mean to rush you on Andrews tag. When I posted my comment that we tagged him, I was forgetting you'd already seen it. It took me quite a while to think up Brielle's, too, so don't feel bad. Hope you're having a great day!
P.S. Let me know when you start thinking about a good time for us to visit. Don't feel rushed. We can push things back to June if needed. You should be able to move in and feel settled before you even think about visitors. Just let me know.
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