Levi is getting sooooooo big! He is SIX months old now and ready to crawl any day! I hope everyone gets a Levi - he has been the best baby I could ever imagine! WOW! He is just so much fun and full of never ending love. So, above is a picture of Levi in the toy closet! He was in the playroom with the other boys and backed himself right in! He's been rolling and scooting all over the place and is so much fun to watch!
Here is Isaac being such a cheese! My mom sent the coolest Halloween package in the mail full of treats! She sent dried fruit and pistachios - yum!!! Thank you mom! Isaac LOVED the fruit and was happy to show off a piece for a picture!
Okay, this is one of my favorite pictures ever! Don't you just LOVE his big, blue eyes??? Where did we get a blue eyed baby from? Three dark chocolate brown eyed babies (which I love too) but then a blue! Here he is bundled up ready to go to the park!
1st swing!
Levi loves his toes! It just cracks me up!
So, I was craving pita bread the other day, and was NOT about to go to the store with 4 boys just for that. I went to my most favorite recipe site (www.allrecipes.com) and found the recipe! So easy and they tasted way better than anything I ever get at the store! I filled it with my favorite cabbage salad ..... YUM!
Isaac has some obsessions... running away, spilling water, fingerprinting DVDs, my makeup, and any dairy-based substance. He wants cheese, yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc. every day. Any way a good friend told me that you can make a soft cheese from homemade yogurt. Here it is! I made tons and we ate it with everything and it was gone in like two days! Isaac loved it of course, and here he is with a "cheese mustache"!
I was getting ready for church one morning and came out to this.... Isaac dabbing my lip gloss all over Levi, the carpet and himself!! He was just getting Levi ready for church! Ha!
Isaac's "I'm in trouble again?" face. Such a cutie!
Color Run
9 years ago